UPDATE: Due to seeing what happened at http://celticsbandwagon.blogspot.com/2006/12/taking-copyright-seriously.html, I have taken down the youtube clip of the scrap between the Nuggets and the Knicks. The last thing I need is the NBA cracking its whip on The Nugg Doctor. So, if you haven't seen it yet (have you been under a rock?) go get it for yourself at www.youtube.com. Kinda crazy when you think about it! Especially after the league completely ignores the incident on its official page...
I want to know how long the suspensions will be and how it effects the Iverson deal.
I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for reading,
The Nugg Doctor
I'm disgusted.
As am I.
Thanks for reading,
The Nugg Doctor
Nate and Mardy both behaved like animals tonight, but how bout Carmelo, man? I couldn't believe that a guy like him would sucker punch someone like that.
unfortunate indeed
no one needed this
not the NBA
especially not the Knicks
even the Nuggs could've done without
I am really distraught over the whole thing. Despite being a huge Nuggets fan, Carmelo was becoming my favorite player. After seeing the shot he threw on Mardy, and reading this post:>http://endofthebench.mostvaluablenetwork.com/general/nuggets-fight-off-knicks-literally-at-the-garden/ I am feeling a little bit frazzled by his actions.
This is just bad for business, man. I wish it would have never happened.
Thanks for reading,
The Nugg Doctor
It's bad for the Nuggs, bad for the Knicks, bad for the NBA, and bad for America!
Thanks for reading,
The Nugg Doctor
I guess I'm in the minority here so I'm going to throw out a quote about Al McGuire during his coaching career at Marquette.
Frank Deford wrote the following in the book that I'm reading:
“It is the custom at Marquette to let teammates fight, to encourage fights, for that matter, until the day the season opens. McGuire lets them go a minute. One day he stood there, biting his lips for the required time while an older player beat his son Allie, a pretty fair guard, all to hell. This policy is calculated to let frusterations out, draw the team together. Calculated.”
Granted that allowing this during a game is different than practice but what's wrong with some guys blowing off some steam? I understand how it's bad for the "image" of the league to some but stuff like this is expected in hockey and has long been a part of sports (umm, boxing?).
I just think it's wrong to overreact and compare a scrap involving a frusterated team (knicks) to what happened in Detroit involving paying customers.
I was watching that game while the whole thing goes down and ESPN is definetely spinning it in a certain direction.
After the foul, both guys got in each others faces, but no one was goin to throw punches untill.........Nate Robinson started freaking out and shoving everyone in sight. Then he later says it was because they were humiliating the franchise by running up the score!?!? so, was he defending his guy or was he following orders from his coach?
if you watch the tape, Carmelo is getting shoved in every direction then Mardy Collins gets in his face and starts tauning and talking to him. If you watch closely Mardy was not being held by anyone when Carmelo punched him. In fact they had been staring each other down for the last 15 seconds.
sucker punch? whatever.
That was some chest puffing, night club brawl action.
Stupid, but almost predictable.
When I watched it live is was easy to see that the Knicks were frustrated and wanted to start something.
Carmelo made the stupidest move he could have made, jeopardising the welfare of his team (suspentions) and his own pocketbook (unpaid games, marketing and credibilty).
for what? Mardy Collins?
a bench henchman?
the whole thing is sad but Ive seen worse fights at the rec center.
Young men + testosterone + army mentality + competition = fights. This is reality not Charles Dickens.....and on that note happy holidays everyone.
Hoops Addict-
I think fighting has its place in the NBA. This was not really the place. Nate was defending a guy who had just committed an atrocious foul, and Melo was punching a guy who was moving away from him.
I love Nate but he really turned the heat up on this incident. Sounds like Zeke may have been challenging his players to take a stand earlier, though. I was impressed with the MSG security for swarming to the scene and keeping it on the court. Tough blow for the Nuggs, since any suspensions will be far more damaging to their season.
Big up to my friend, Jans, for stopping by!
Thanks for reading,
The Nugg Doctor
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